Buffered Diluent | 1 x 30 ml |
Reagent 2 - Substrate | 1 x 8 ml |
Reagent 3 - Chromogen | 1 x 15 ml |
Paraoxonase-1 (PON1) s an hgh densty lpoproten (HDL)-assocated enzyme wth antoxdant and antatherogenc functons, protectng lpoprotens aganst oxdatve modficaton. It also catalyzes the hydrolyss of organophosphates such as paraoxon and aromatc carboxylc acd esters of fatty acds. It has been shown that serum paraoxonase actvty decrease n dabetes melltus, coronary artery dsease, hypercholesterolaema, ron deficcency anemma, hepatts, crrhoss, prostate cancer, tuberculoss and nfammmatons.
Buffered Diluent | 1 x 30 ml |
Reagent 2 - Substrate | 1 x 8 ml |
Reagent 3 - Chromogen | 1 x 15 ml |
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5. Horoz M, Aslan M, Selek S, Koylu AO, Bolukbas C, Bolukbas FF, Celk H, Erel O. PON1 status n haemodalyss p atents and the mpact of hepatts C nfecton. Cln Bochem. 2007;40(9-10):609-14.
6. Gur M, Aslan M, Yldz A, Demrbag R, Ylmaz R, Selek S, Erel O, Ozdogru I. Paraoxonase and arylesterase actvtes n coronary artery dsease. Eur J Cln Invest. 2006 Nov;36(11):779-87.
7. Aslan M, Koseck M, Horoz M, Selek S, Celk H, Erel O. Assessment of paraoxonase and arylesterase actvtes n patents wth ron deficcecy aneema. Atherosclerooss. 2007 Apr;191(2):397 -402. 8. Aslan M, Nazlgul Y, Horoz M, Bolukbas C , Bolukbas FF, Gur M, Celk H, Erel O. Serum paraoxonase -1 actvty n Helcobacter pylor nfected subjects. Atheroscleross. 2008 Jan;196(1):270-4.
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